Monday, January 25, 2010


This section brings up all the different issues related to the property. These are the opinions of the writer only.

In ascertaining what issues the land has I went through each point made in the Current Situation section of this document and have tried to make points


I believe a review of the current Trustees may be required:
  • One of the "current" trustees passed away back in 2004 and a replacement has not been appointed.
  • The majority of the Trustees are senior in age with little input from the next generation of beneficiaries.
  • Most trustees do not live locally.
I have attempted to contact the Trustees of Rakautaua 9 to determine the current status of the Trust without much success.

The property
  • Only one third of the property is being utilised. Can anything be done with the rest?
  • Can we do something or erect something on it?
  • The land is being over-run by the blow-holes bringing sand onto the grass.
  • Are the blow-holes on the reserve causing the sand to take over our properties economic viability?
  • When was the last property valuation performed?


  • It is essential that the area is not over-grazed as the ecology is fragile and will result in sand- blowing being created as the property is exposed.
  • Any conservation efforts are hampered by vehicles and motorbikes using the property as a playground.
  • Get rid of any marram noxious grasses.
  • We should be looking to plant native Pikao grasses.
  • What state are the forests in that in 1986/1987 the leassee and the Rangitikei Catchment Board planted 20,000 pine trees each to stop soil erosion. This could be something to investigate further.

The rivers

  • The Whangaehu River burst its banks in February 2004 and July 2006. Floods of similar magnitude had also struck in April 1897. Not sure how that affected the property.
  • Can the flooding be controlled by introducing wetlands and lakes
  • What is the current state of the river.


  • There is bird-life unique to this area. Further investigation is needed
  • Are there other species?
  • Can we save or conserve them.

Lease of land

Any future plans will require input from the current lease-holder.

A thought was given that the land be leased to a beneficiary who then sub-lets the property back to the farmer.

  • How much land is currently being leased?
  • Is any of the rest of the land salvageable?

Research the history of the land

A pamphlet produced by Tuwharetoa Maori Trust Board highlights that the following factors need to be considered:

  • Land - Papatuanuku
  • Water – Te Waipuna Ariki
  • Airspace – Te Ha o Ranginui
  • Sacred places – Waahi Tupuna
  • Forests – Te Wao tu nui a Tane
  • Flora and fauna – Nga Otaota me nga Atianga Kararehe

I have seen a map highlighting areas of significance marked along the beach and Whangaehu River according to the NZ Archeological website - further investigation will be required.


  • There is currently no register maintained of the contact details of all beneficiaries.
  • No Trust beneficiary directly benefits from the rent received from the lease on the property.
  • Only a small portion of the beneficiaries have the capacity to gain any financial benefit from distribution payments as holdings are too small to be of economic value.
  • Does a beneficiary have the capacity to be paid out for their shares? If the answer is Yes what process is to be used?
  • Further investigation is required concerning allowing beneficiaries to cut out sections of the block for their own personal purposes.
  • Contracts/agreements would need to be put in place to state minimum requirements.

Financial Statements

Not much is known at the present time - further investigation required.

  • Is the status quo still appropriate
  • Other options


There are a number of baches on the property. Some have been there for over fifty years. They either got permission from Whanau or the farmer is my understanding. The issue is that they do not have legal title and I am not sure whether they are building code compliant.

There are a number of issues to be considered and include:

  • Status quo
  • Evict them
  • Renegotiate terms
  • If people want to stay at baches then Rakautaua 9 need to distance themselves with OSH issues – Get around it by making people sign a disclaimer
  • Re-locate baches to somewhere more appropriate
  • Review the Trust Memorandum of Understanding
  • Area needs to be tidied up

Kapuni Gasline

  • Do we need to worry about it?
  • Need to be considered if we do any building on it.

Ngati Apa

  • The property is part of the Ngati Apa Iwi. There input will be required.


  • There is an Urupa on the property. My research indicates that Maori were well known to bury their dead in mound burial sites and cremate people rather than bury them.

Road access

  • Any idea to open up the beach to others will also require consideration to upgrade the road if required.

Financial assistance

The property is Maori land which makes it difficult to gain any financial assistance from normal retail banking institutions.

What other options are available

Department Of Conservation

The Department of Conservation need to be involved at some level in any conservation efforts made to the property and beach.


Need to determine what authorities need to be involved with future plans on the property:

* Horizons

* Rangitikei Regional Council

* Wanganui City Council

Other considerations

All the information in this report is readily available to the general public.

There may be other issues that the writer may not have considered.

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