Wednesday, March 30, 2011

you think everything is sorted and then ...

AGM in Wanganui end of April 2011 and I am looking forward to it.

I was going to attend to help in whatever capacity to get the Trust moving forward. Have now found out things are happening in the background that are bigger than the beach and may turn the situation into a political stoush.

The Marine and Coastal Area Act allows me to go to Court and contest customary title if you meet criteria and I'm sure we probably do.

Problem is why? What is the end goal is in mind? How is that going to help the beneficiaries of the beach?

I am sure more details will follow...

Pic of Rakautaua 9 block surveyed

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Contact details

If anyone wants to discuss anything about the beach or this blog contact the writer (who resides in Auckland) on 021 412 595. Alternatively call Davey on 06 3436770.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Site of former bach

This used to be a bach. I love the sign.


This greenhouse is situated over a hill behind the baches. Must be a new initiative as I didn't know it existed until I stumbled upon it.

11th - Bach

10th - Bach

This is the other bach where someone lives permanently.

9th - Bach

8th - Bach

Road to second group of baches

You can see the 7th bach on the right. All the other baches are down this road on the left.

7th - Bach - Part 2. View from back of section

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

7th - Bach

This is the first bach you see out at the beach and is part of the second group of baches. This property is fenced off and made up of a cabin, a bus and a number of caravans and sheds. It is my understanding that someone lives here permanently.

6th - End bach

5th - Bach

4th - Bach

3rd - Bach

2nd - Caravan