Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Update 31 July 2012

Haven't said anything for a little bit but there are a few things going on in the background. * More dialogue with the Te Araroa Trust with things progressing ever so slightly. Haven't been involved myself (other trustees attending) but am appreciating being kept informed. * Lease being sorted. * Trust meeting processes starting to take shape. Certainly not finished...but started. * Baches situation hopefully will be progressed soon. Most stakeholders have had an opportunity to provide input and we are considereing options. * In discussions with different parties concerning land use options on under-utilised parts of the property. * Vector provided a free aerial map of the property showing the gas pipe-line. When you see it you have to question the wisdom of the "powers that be" of the time authorising it. "Do we just accept it?" * Have heard about a multi-national company exploring the West Coast of the North Island from South Taranaki to the Rangitikei River for ironsands. Looks like they are further down the track than anticipated. More research required before making any further comments. Things will certainly get interesting over the next few months and years...

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